Release PV630 SV101
The theme of this release is bug fixes and customer enhancements.
Review the information in this section before you install, deploy, or upgrade.
Use OneStream platform version 6.3.0 or later with this version of Task Manager.
This release supports an overinstall, however, OneStream strongly recommends an Uninstall UI instead.
You can import categories from a file, use a template to create import files, and export existing categories to a file. (MP1-2154)
You can filter the status text column by selecting one or more status options. New task status of Blocked by Dependent is added and is indicated by an orange circle. Approved status is changed to Fully Approved and includes tasks where approval is not required. (MP1-62, MP1-2189, MP1-2685)
After a task category is assigned to a task or is published to a task it cannot be deleted. (MP1-2190)
Task Group
Task Group displays as (Private) when importing with OwnerID set to !Private. (MP1-1731)
Task Group displays as (Private) when importing with OwnerID set to GUID for the (Private) user. (MP1-1730)
Holiday profiles and instructions can be imported using friendly name instead of GUID. (MP1-1818)
Close Dates
You can export Close Dates, update the name ranges, and successfully import the modified file. (MP1-2099)
In the Task Close Dates table, 12 am and 12 pm import correctly. (MP1-1732)
Close date and time calculated correctly in Close Date (Day Map). (MP1-2098)
Dashboard Updates
Completed tasks are not included in upcoming tasks or past due notifications. (MP1-552)
Past due tasks are not included in upcoming tasks notifications. (MP1-553)
The Task Manager dashboard works properly when using the simplified scorecard setting. (MP1-2162)
The Due Date chart displays tasks published prior to today in the Past Due graph. (MP1-2451)
The Due Date Summary chart calculates due dates correctly when tasks are scheduled after a date that has no Work Day specified. (MP1-2453)
Tasks with a Due Date within 24 hours or less display in the Due Within 1 section of the Task Analysis chart. (MP1-2452)
Completed tasks can be rejected in mass by Approvers and Admins. (MP1-1792)
The Days Late value accurately reflects the number of days the task is past due. (MP1-2442, MP1-1931)
The GetTaskStatDetails method executes correctly when no data is returned by the method. (MP1-459)
Linked task documents can be published. (MP1-479)
Tasks can be imported from a file without error due to the OwnerID, Holiday profile, and InstructionID. (MP1-2701)
Customers on Platform Release 6.4 can right click on the task grid and change the hidden and visible columns for the grid. (MP1-2293)
Mass updates are successful when multiple update criteria are selected. (MP1-1528)
Known Issues
Contacting Support
OneStream Support can be contacted at any time by registering at and then emailing